New 3D Retinal Scans

 At Robert Hughes Eyecare, we believe in investing in the most upto date technologies that help prevent sight loss. That is why we have started offering Optical Coherence Tomography scans using a state of the art Nidex Retinal Scan Duo


Unprecedented detail allows detection of eye disease upto 4 years sooner!

Detect Life Threatening Conditions

It’s easy to see when your optic discs are swollen with an OCT. This can indicate serious neurological problems such as Intracranial Hypertension or even Brain Tumours

Detect Sight Threatening Conditions

With our Anterior Segment adaptor we can scan the front part of the eye to see if you are at risk of closed angle glaucoma. This can be extremely painful and lead to blindness overnight.

Detect Sight Threatening Macula Conditions

Fluid between the retina can be much easier to detect with an OCT scan. This means we can refer you for treatment much sooner.

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